FCO2019: Sheet 2 A420/1, A440 and AKD52(Hard drive upgrade 300 series) USE OF KALOK KL320 HARD DISC DRIVES. When Kalok KL320 hard drives to Acorn Approval 0912,014 are used in A420/1 (AKB42) or A440 (AKB20) computers as field replacements for either of the existing sources, the following instructions must be followed. ASSEMBLY Fit an M3.5 plain washer under the head of each of the four screws used to secure the drive to the drive bracket in addition to the existing spring washer. FORMATING When formating the hard disc drive using HForm Version 1.78 (or earlier) the shape of the Kalok drive will not be recognised and the following parameters must be entered after the prompts shown- Which make of hard disc (1-6)? 6 (other) Old or New map format (O/N)? N Sectors per track? 32 Heads? 4 Cylinders? 615 current cylinder? 1023 Precompensation cylinder? 300 Parking cylinder? 615 NB. The drive should undergo a full 24 hour soak test cycle before being returned to the customer.